Thursday, 18 December 2014

Arabic Book Beginners


Arabic alphabet is written and read from right to left and horizontally. There are 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet.

 Now examine the table below:

As you may have noticed, some of the letters in Arabic don’t exist in English and vice versa. We will first go through the letters that exist in English, the table below shows the letters that you may not have any problem learning or pronouncing: 

 Now we will go through the Arabic letters that are either hard to pronounce or are pronounced a little bit differently, you shouldn’t worry if you can’t pronounce them the right way, because there are always close pronunciations in Arabic, and you still can be understood.

Arabic Alphabet List:

**: letters having stars next to them can only connect with other letters placed before them and not after, which means that if a letter is placed after them, that letter should take a form as if it was placed in the beginning of the word.
Note also that the letters I marked with stars in the table above never connect with other letters marked with stars either before or after.
So you have to be careful with these starred letters, because sometimes they may make you think that they’re the last letter of a word because they have that form of an ending letter, while in the reality they may not be the last letter of the word. The table below may explain it better:

 Learning how to read Arabic characters and how to pronounce it will make it very easy for you to learn the language, and avoid counting on transliterations that are not really reliable. 

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