Saturday, 10 January 2015

Arabic Indefinite Articles:

Arabic Indefinite Articles:

To use the indefinite article in Arabic, there is not much that you can add, just leave the word with no article, especially when you write in Arabic alphabet, there is a small modification however that occurs to the tail of the word, called nunation (adding the suffix “un”):

To use the indefinite article in Arabic, there is not much that you can add, just leave the word with no article, especially when you write in Arabic alphabet, there is a small modification however that occurs to the tail of the word, called nunation (adding the suffix “un”):
A house = bait +un = baitun  بيتٌ, the “un” is expressed by this symbol ( ُُ ُُ   or  ٌٌٌٌ  ) when written in Arabic alphabet, like in the example of: baitun = بيتٌ  .
A sun = shams+un = Shamsun شمسٌ ,  a dog = kalbunكلبٌ ,  a tree = shajaratun شجرةٌ , a student = tilmeedun تلميذٌ , a language = lugatun لغةٌ .
Since the nunation is a property of the indefinite article you cannot apply it to the definite article,

The star = annajm النجم , a star = najmun نجمٌ .

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