Negation of Past Tense Verbs
Negation of Past Tense Verbs. There are two methods to negate the verbs in past tense. The easy way is b...
Object Pronouns
Object Pronouns. You remember what was mentioned earlier that possessive pronouns are suffixed to nouns. N...
Helping Vowels

Helping Vowels replace the Zero Vowel when the following word starts with Hamza. Therefore, an...
Verb-Subject Agreement

Verb-Subject Agreement. A verb that proceeds its subject is marked by gender only. If it follows its sub...
Subject Markers
The Subject markers for verbs in the past tense are suffixed to the verb stem in order to demonstrate subject/verb agree...
Interrogative Particles
Interrogative Particles. أ / هل are interrogative particles which are used to introduce questions t...