Non-human Plurals

Non-human Plurals are treated as feminine singular in terms of adjective, pronoun, and subject-verb agreement. ال...
The Phonological Environment for Form VIII Verb.

The Phonological Environment for Form VIII Verb. The Characteristic feature of Form VIII is the re...
The Verb Form Numbers

The Verb Form Numbers system is quite old, going back to the earliest European Arabic grammars such ...
3-Letter Root Form

The Roots. Most Arabic words can be attributed to some 3-letter root, where radicals are referred to by means of a prototypica...
Object Pronouns of Prepositions

Object Pronouns of Prepositions. The object pronouns for transitive verbs are the same for the intransitiv...
Verb Object Pronouns

Verb Object Pronouns. We mentioned earlier that object pronouns are suffixed to the transitive verbs. شاهد...
The question word -"Which"

أيَّـة ُ / أيُّ both mean “which” (as a question word). The first is used for masculine whi...

Plurals. There are three types of plural in Arabic: a. The Masculine Sound plural is created by ( ونَ ) ...
De facto Case of the Noun and Adjective

The De facto Case of the Noun and Adjective in Arabic is Nominative. A noun case is changed to ...