- Idaafa الاضافة. The Idaafa structure is usually made of two or more nouns that are semantically related and in a sequence. Sometimes it sounds like a sort of "possessive" relationship, where English could use "of" or "'s" .The first term of the Idaafa might be in any case and should not take Nunation or a definite article. The Second term of the Idaafa, on the other hand, is always in the genitive case and may take Nunation or a definite article.
the language professor:
استاذ ُ اللغةِ ،
استاذ َ اللغةِ ، استاذِ اللغةِ
language professor:
استاذ ُ لغةٍ ، استاذ َ لغةٍ ،
استاذ ِ لغةٍ
If you encounter a cluster of nouns, then
you should try to find out if it is an Idaafa structure.
- The Simple Idaafa is made of two nouns. The Complex Idaafa is made of 3 or more. As expected, such sequences will create a Syntactical Environment where some nouns will play double grammatical functions.
a. the university building
b. the
door of the university building
بابُ بناءِ الجامعةِ
incorrect due to the fact that the possessive pronoun ( ـها ) is inserted between the
first and second terms of Idaafa.
- The Idaafa (revisited). Arabic grammar does not allow anything to be placed between the first and second term of Idaafa except for a demonstrative pronoun. Therefore,
(a) the
student’s book کتابُ الطالبةِ
is correct and
this student’s book کتابُ هذهِ الطالبةِ
is also correct. But,
(c) کتابُها الطالبةِ
A Hundred and One Rules !
Mohammed Jiyad
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