D- Doubling of Short Vowel Sign (Nunation) (Modulation) /̛al-tanwin/

Type of Nunation (Modulation) - تنوين /tanwin/
Nunation (Modulation) of regularity – تَنوين الضَم /tanwin /̛ad-dam/ -
Nunation (Modulation) of openness – تَنوين الفَتح /tanwin/ /̛̛al-fath/
Nunation (Modulation) of reduction – تَنوين الكَسر /tanwin/ /̛ak-kasr/
Nunation (Modulation) – تَنوين /tanwin/ sign in Arabic
Nunation (Modulation) – تَنوين /tanwin/ transliterated sign in English
For example the word /hub/ for love and is pronounced /hubun/ حُبٌ
For example the word /hub/ for love is pronounced /huban/ حبًا and we write the Nunation (Modulation) of opening before the ālif not on the ālif;
- The word /samā̛n/ for sky سَماءً notice there is no ālif as in /huban/ حُبًا
- The word /fursatan/ for chance like فُرصَةً and note that we write it over the " tā̛ Marbutah" (ـة) not before it.
For example the word /hub/ for love is pronounced /hubin/ حُبِ


- A special ending in pronunciation.
- Over the top of last final Arabic Letter of a word.


- A special ending in pronunciation.
- Over the top of last final Arabic Letter of a word.

NB 1: After this kind of Nunation (Modulation) ONLY we have to put the letter ālif; except when there is a hamza after the letter ālif then we will not add the ālif Letter.
NB 2: Special note that is not known by many on the Nunation (Modulation) of openness ONLY in case we write it after it the letter ālif; Nunation (Modulation) should be written before the last final letter not on the ālif letter; but in the case of the hamza mentioned above it is written on the hamza not on the preceding letter.
NB 3: If the Nunation (Modulation) is on the feminine indicator ending " tā̛ Marbutah". (ـة) we can't add the letter ālif and we write the Nunation (Modulation) over the " tā̛ Marbutah" (ـة).


- A special ending in pronunciation.
- Below the last final Arabic Letter of a word.

NB 1: It will be regarded by some an error to write the Nunation (Modulation) of reduction below the letter ālif or below the letter hamza; i.e. in this case it is just pronounced but not written; however, this is seen as acceptable in the Holy Quran then it depends on your choice. For us we are with the Language of the Quran and we do not regard it an error as it is just meant for simplification means.

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