Arabic Expressions & Words:

Good/ Bad/ So-So.
Jayed/ saye'/ 'adee
جيد / سيء / عادي
Big/ Small
Kabeer/ Sagheer
كبير / صغير
Today/ Now
Alyawm/ Al aan
اليوم / الآن
Tomorrow/ Yesterday
Ghadan/ Albareha
غدا / البارحة
Yes/ No
Na’am/ Laa
نعم / لا
Here You Go! (when giving something)
Do You Like It?
Hal a’jabak? Hal a’jabaki? (female)
هل أعجبك؟
I Really Like It!
A’jabani haqqan!
أعجبني حقا
I'm Hungry/ Thirsty.
Ana jae’/ ana ‘atshaan
أنا جائع/ أنا عطشان
In The Morning/ Evening/ At Night.
Sabahan/ masa’an/ laylan
صباحا/ مساءا/ ليلا
This/ That. Here/There
Hatha/ thalek. Huna/ hunaak (th as in that)
هذا /ذلك. هنا/هناك
Me/ You. Him/ Her.
Ana/ anta/ anti (you female). Houwa/ Hiya
أنا/ أنت. هو/ هي
Onzor / Onzori (female)
أنظر!  أنظري!
Hurry Up!
Asre'/ Asre'ee (female)
أسرع!  أسرعي!
What? Where?
Matha? Ayn? (th as in that)
ماذا؟ أين؟
What Time Is It?
kam essa'a?
كم الساعة؟
It's 10 o'clock. 07:30pm.
Enaha al 'ashera. Ennaha assaabe'a wa nesf.
إنها العاشرة. إنها السابعة و النصف مساءا
Give Me This!
A'teni hatheh! (th as in that)
أعطني هذه!
I Love You!
Uhibbok/ uhibboki (female)
I Feel Sick.
ana mareed.
أنا مريض.
I Need A Doctor
ahtaju tabeeban!
أحتاج طبيبا!
One, Two, Three
wahed, ithnaan, thalatha (th as in think).
واحد, إثنان, ثلاثة
Four, Five, Six
arba'a, khamsa, sitta
أربعة, خمسة, ستة
Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten
sab'a, thamania (th as in think), tis'a, 'ashara.
سبعة, ثمانية, تسعة, عشرة
I used the blue font sometimes in transliteration to distinguish between
 the female and male gender, which is not that different from the
 masculine form, just an extra “i” or “a” …
The tick (‘) is for a sound like soundless “a” or a stop just to make 
closer to the real sound which doesn’t exist in English.
The “th” is sometimes pronounced as “th of that” and sometimes 
as “th of think”, I usually state how you should pronounce it.
There is a sharp “h” that is different from the regular “h”,
 however a person can be understood even if it’s pronounced 
as a regular “h”.

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