Personal Info:
Do You Speak (English/ Arabic)?

Hal tatakallamu alloghah alenjleziah/ alarabiah?

هل تتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية /العربية؟
Just a Little.
What's Your Name?
Ma esmouk? Ma esmouki?
ما إسمك؟
My Name Is ….
Mr. Mrs.…/ Miss…
Assayed…/ Assayeda…/ Al anesah ...
السيد... /السيدة/ الانسة...
Nice To Meet You!
Motasharefon/ motasharefatun (f) bema'refatek
متشرف / متشرفة بمعرفتك
You're Very Kind!
Anta lateef/ Anti lateefa
أنت لطيف! أنتِ لطيفة!
Where Are You From?
Men ayna anta/ anti (female)?
من أين أنت؟
I'm From (the U.S/ Morocco)
Ana men (amreeka/ almaghrib)
أنا من (أمريكا/ المغرب)
I’m (American)
Ana (amreeki/ amrekiah (female)
أنا أمريكي/أمريكية
Where Do You Live?
Ayna taskun?/ Ayna taskuneen? (female)
أين تسكن؟  أين تسكنين؟
I live in (the U.S/ France)
A'eesho fel welayat almotaheda/ faransa
أعيش في الولايات المتحدة/ فرنسا
Did You Like It Here?
Hal istamta'ta bewaqtika/ bewaqtiki (f) huna?
هل استمتعت بوقتك هنا؟
Morocco Is a Wonderful Country
Al maghrib baladun jameel!
المغرب بلد جميل!
What Do You Do For A Living?
Ma mehnatuk? Mehnatuki (female)
ما مهنتك؟
I Work As A (Translator/ Businessman)
A'mal ka(motarjim/ rajul a'maal)
أعمل كمترجم/ كرجل أعمال
I Like Arabic
Ohibbu allughah al arabia
أحب اللغة العربية
I've Been Learning Arabic For 1 Month
adrusu allughah al arabia mundu shahr
أدرس اللغة العربية منذ شهر
Oh! That's Good!
Hada shay'un Jameel
هذا شيء جميل
How Old Are You?
Kam howa umruk? umroki (female)
كم هو عمرك؟
I'm (twenty, thirty…) Years Old.
Umri ( 'eshreen/ thalatheen) sanah (th as in bath)
عمري (عشرين/ ثلاثين) سنة
I Have To Go
Yajebu an athhaba al aan! (th as in that)
يجب أن اذهب الآن
I Will Be Right Back!
Sa arje’o halan
سأرجع حالا

I used the blue font sometimes in transliteration to distinguish between
 the female and male gender, which is not that different from the
 masculine form, just an extra “i” or “a” …
The tick (‘) is for a sound like soundless “a” or a stop just to make 
closer to the real sound which doesn’t exist in English.
The “th” is sometimes pronounced as “th of that” and sometimes 
as “th of think”, I usually state how you should pronounce it.
There is a sharp “h” that is different from the regular “h”,
 however a person can be understood even if it’s pronounced 
as a regular “h”.

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